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PoleFreaks Studio - Classic
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Pole Tips and Talking Points
How To Train - Where to Start?
Training Both Sides
Things To Do Every Training Session
How to Find Moves for Your Level (7:07)
How To Search PoleFreaks Studio (2:22)
Frequency of Training
Pole Do's and Don'ts
How To Engage Your Muscles (2:13)
Pole Goodies - Where To Buy Them
Buying a Pole - Where to Start?
How To Clean Your Pole
How To Get Momentum (0:50)
How to Avoid Pole Burn (1:28)
Hypermobility with Pole (0:49)
Different Names For Every Move
How To Work Around Feeling Slippery
Spin vs Static
How To Spot
Rate Of Progression
Training By Yourself
Grips - Hand Positions (6:04)
Grip Aids
Twisted Grip - Why I Avoid It
How to Pull and Push When Inverted (1:53)
How To Loop A Resistance Band (2:08)
12 Week Training Plan - Getting Started on the Pole
12 Week Training Plan
Follow Along Pole Classes
12 Week Training Plan - Week 1 - Beginners (63:13)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 2 - Beginners (66:51)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 3 - Beginners (67:48)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 4 - Beginners (69:58)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 5 - Beginners (67:31)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 6 - Beginners (63:36)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 7 - Beginners (65:14)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 8 - Beginners (66:14)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 9 - Beginners (62:29)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 10 - Beginners (64:17)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 11 - Beginners (69:40)
12 Week Training Plan - Week 12 - Beginners (61:22)
Crossed Ball Seat, Russian Layback Headstand and More! - Beginners (64:22)
Mermaid Spin Combo, Superman Spin and More! - Beginners (59:41)
No Handed Sitting Bird, Side Seat and More! - Beginners (62:19)
Spin Combo, Sitting Bird and More! - Beginners (66:26)
Spin Combo, Diamond Shapes and More! - Beginners (61:52)
Spin Combo to the Floor, Liberty Pose and More! - Beginners (66:03)
Strength Class - 20min EMOM - Beginners (49:34)
Thigh Hold Combo, S Seat And More! - Beginners (62:09)
Fireman Spin Combo, Shoulder Stand and More! - Beginner / Intermediate (58:58)
Moves Based on a Low Genie - Beginner / Intermediate (64:24)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 1 - Intermediate (63:37)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 2 - Intermediate (65:35)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 3 - Intermediate (72:34)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 4 - Intermediate (72:01)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 5 - Intermediate (68:05)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 6 - Intermediate (70:03)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 7 - Intermediate (62:27)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 8 - Intermediate (65:36)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 9 - Intermediate (67:25)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 10 - Intermediate (67:03)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 11 - Intermediate (66:59)
12 Stage Invert Plan - Stage 12 - Intermediate (63:17)
Apprentice - Chair Hold Combo, Claw Grip Shape and More! - Intermediate (63:26)
Blade Combo, Meathook and More! - Intermediate (61:55)
Butterfly Combo, Genie Combo and More! - Intermediate (63:52)
Butterfly Knee Hold Combo, Handstand Combo & More! - Intermediate (62:46)
Carousel - Chair Combo, Butterfly Combo and More! - Intermediate (65:44)
Cartwheel - Seat Combo, Butterfly - Thigh Hold Combo & More! - Intermediate (61:57)
Chair Spin Combo, Seat Combo and More! - Intermediate (64:49)
Circuit Interval Session - Intermediate (51:06)
Class For a Hot Day - Intermediate (61:48)
Extended Front Hook - Shoulder Mount Scissor Kick Combo, Cross Ankle Release Combo and More! - Intermediate (61:15)
Flatline Scorpio Moves, Seats and More! - Intermediate (62:30)
Forearm Stand Split, Combos and More! - Intermediate (64:44)
Marley - Shoulder Mount Butterfly, Wrist Seat Combo and More! - Intermediate (65:41)
Martini - Half Split, Open Cross Leg Fireman Combo and More! - Intermediate (60:13)
Martini - Superman, Compass and More! - Intermediate (62:03)
Nebula, Bottle Rocket Combo and More! - Intermediate (65:08)
Outside Leg Hang - Butterfly Combo, Reverse Grab Combo and More! - Intermediate (61:46)
Pterodactyl Variation Combo, Inside Leg Hang Shapes and More! - Intermediate (65:10)
Russian Layback Seat Combo, Fun Superman Entry and More! - Intermediate (62:59)
Shoulder Mount and Superman Combos - Intermediate with Advanced Options (69:57)
Side Bow & Arrow Combo, Mantis and More! - Intermediate (64:58)
Straight Leg Martini, Duchess Combo and More! - Intermediate (71:35)
Twisted Gemini Combo, Trapped Flag Sit and More! - Intermediate (66:35)
Invert+ Plan - Flatline Scorpio - Intermediate / Advanced (67:51)
Invert+ Plan - Superman - Intermediate / Advanced (63:05)
Invert+ Plan - Genie - Intermediate / Advanced (61:37)
Invert+ Plan - Butterfly - Intermediate / Advanced (69:22)
Invert+ Plan - Inside Leg Hang - Intermediate / Advanced (68:06)
Invert+ Plan - Extended Butterfly - Intermediate / Advanced (65:36)
Invert+ Plan - Handstand - Intermediate / Advanced (72:58)
Invert+ Plan - Shoulder Mount - Intermediate / Advanced (74:58)
Invert+ Plan - Brass Monkey - Intermediate / Advanced (77:09)
Invert+ Plan - Shoulder Mount (Different Grips) - Intermediate / Advanced (61:35)
Invert+ Plan - Ayesha - Intermediate / Advanced (72:36)
Invert+ Plan - Handspring - Intermediate / Advanced (60:55)
Batman Flair, Superman Combo and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (62:15)
Brass Monkey Claw Pose and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (64:41)
Chair Spin Combos, Pterodactyl and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (63:25)
Circuit Interval Session - Intermediate / Advanced (52:28)
Climb - Boomerang Invert Combo, Genie - Baby Flip Combo and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (61:42)
Double Cross Knee Release Combo and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (61:23)
Front - Back Attitude - Invert Combo, Hang Glider Combo and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (58:19)
Inverted Unicorn Combo, Flow and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (66:33)
Mermaid Spin Combo, Extended Butterfly - Reverse Poisson and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (63:04)
Monkey Spin - Invert Combo, Genie Flip Combo and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (69:39)
Moves Based on a Butterfly - Intermediate / Advanced (66:10)
Seahorse, Butterfly - Shoulder Mount Combo and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (66:03)
Shoulder Mount - Double Knee Hang Combo, Muse and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (58:26)
Trapped Grip Class - Intermediate / Advanced (64:22)
Twizzle - Cross Knee Release Combo, Claw Grip Jackknife Combo and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (63:34)
Wrist Seat - Superman Combo, Shoulder Mount - Thigh Hold and More! - Intermediate / Advanced (70:35)
Spin Pole - Intro to Spin Pole - Beginners / Intermediate (62:53)
Spin Pole - Floating Butterfly Combo, Seated Combos and More! - Intermediate (64:24)
Spin Pole - Lots of Climbs and More! - Intermediate (59:52)
Spin Pole - Claw Grip Straddles and More - Intermediate / Advanced (63:57)
Heels & Spin Pole - Inside Leg Hang - Half Split Routine - Intermediate (64:15)
Heels & Spin Pole - Wrist Seat and Floating Butterfly Class - Intermediate (76:12)
Heels - Clack and Drop Combo, and More! - All Levels (64:23)
Heels Routine - Birthday Sex - Jeremih
Heels Routine - Doja Cat - Freak - Intermediate (60:11)
Heels Routine - Doja Cat - Streets - Part 1 - Beginner (68:29)
Heels Routine - Doja Cat - Streets - Part 2 - Intermediate (71:39)
Heels Routine - Got It - Marian Hill - Beginner - Intermediate (66:28)
Routine Class - One More Light - Linkin Park
Routine Class - Without You - The Kid LAROI (66:15)
Routine Class - Worth It
Warm Up, Cool Down and Stretches
Warm Up - A (9:23)
Warm Up - B (17:15)
Cool Down - A (5:44)
Cool Down - B (11:15)
Upper Back and Shoulder Stretches (6:14)
Straddle Stretches (23:23)
Straddles and Box Splits (60:34)
Front Splits (44:29)
Front Splits and Splits on Your Back (61:50)
Bridges and Cobras - A (54:41)
Bridges and Cobras - B (65:07)
Side Plank - Bridge (4:10)
Outside Step - Two Handed (2:41)
Outside Step - One Handed (1:49)
Scissor Hop (2:16)
Pirouette (2:46)
Outside Step - Pirouette (3:07)
Elbow Pirouette (2:15)
Cup Grip Pirouette (2:27)
Ballet Hook (3:13)
Walking Around The Pole (1:59)
Fireman Spin (2:52)
Fireman Pike Spin (2:26)
Mermaid Spin (1:53)
Extended Fireman Spin (2:06)
Closed Cross Leg Fireman Spin (2:35)
Open Cross Leg Fireman Spin (1:38)
Inside Hook (2:09)
Front Hook (2:53)
Outside Step - Front Hook (1:57)
Extended Front Hook (2:39)
Back Hook (2:33)
Double Back Hook (2:49)
Outside Step - Back Hook (3:11)
Outside Step - Arch (3:15)
Outside Step - Spin to Floor (4:36)
Chair Spin (2:09)
Chair Pike (1:23)
Fancy Chair (2:43)
Split Leap (1:53)
Chair Spin - Back Hook (3:20)
Carousel - Forearm Grip (2:37)
Carousel - Back Hook (3:20)
Carousel - Split Grip (2:16)
Tinkerbell (3:11)
Dolphin Spin (1:14)
Inside Step (2:09)
Juliette Spin (2:20)
Outside Step - Inside Step (2:18)
Corkscrew Spin (2:30)
Corkscrew Variation (2:20)
Cartwheel (2:00)
Cartwheel Repeats (2:25)
Cartwheel - Claw Grip (1:33)
Reverse Cartwheel (1:46)
Inside Leg Hook Spin (1:49)
Inside Leg Hook Spin - Leg Switch (3:59)
Forwards Attitude Spin (2:32)
Backwards Attitude Spin (2:51)
Forwards Attitude Spin - Backwards Attitude Spin (4:08)
Cradle Spin - Split Grip (3:10)
Cradle Spin - Forearm Grip (3:11)
Cradle Spin - Straddle Variation (0:59)
Spin Up (2:28)
Cradle Spin Up (1:33)
Sunwheel Spin (2:39)
Straight Leg Spin (4:53)
Side Spin (3:14)
Boomerang Spin (1:29)
Boomerang Spin - High Legs (3:05)
Crab Spin (1:18)
Pea and Post Prep Spin (3:09)
Pea Spin (3:12)
Post Spin (3:59)
Wrist Seat Spin (2:45)
Fairy Walk (2:32)
Reverse Grab - Basic (4:09)
Reverse Grab - Attitude Legs (3:37)
Reverse Grab - Chair Spin (4:10)
Reverse Grab - Back Hook (3:46)
Reverse Grab - Kick Entry (3:28)
Reverse Grab - Push Out (5:12)
Pixie Spin (2:46)
Monkey Spin (1:34)
Genie Spin (3:38)
Wineglass Spin (3:15)
Leap (2:09)
Spin Down (2:14)
How To Spin One Handed (6:29)
Cast Off (4:28)
Air Pirouette - From Standing (5:54)
Air Pirouette (6:31)
Baby Phoenix (4:06)
Floor Based Moves
Pencil - Headstand (2:51)
One Leg Bent - Headstand (0:48)
Bow and Arrow - Headstand (2:20)
Stag Legs - Headstand (1:57)
Half Crab - Headstand (1:28)
Crab - Headstand (2:09)
Russian Layback - Headstand (2:26)
Headstand Crunch Up (2:43)
Deadlift - Headstand (2:24)
Forearm Stand (3:22)
Hook - Forearm Straddle (5:14)
Leg Hook (1:20)
Step 'n' Slide (1:50)
Pole Squat (1:59)
Chair Pose (2:07)
Log Rolls (2:24)
Butt Spin (2:44)
Knee Spin (3:11)
Pike Leg Lifts (on the floor) (1:11)
Leg Switches (on the floor) (1:55)
Floor Star (1:22)
Goddess (on the floor) (3:15)
Floor Jade (2:27)
Cartwheel (on the floor) (1:56)
Cartwheel (on the floor) - Martini (2:51)
Shoulder Roll (2:27)
Shoulder Roll - Pike (2:07)
Assisted Fish Flop (2:52)
Fish Flop (1:22)
Planche (3:38)
Split Planche (2:43)
Strength Moves
Hip Thrusts - Invert Prep (2:16)
Prayer Slides (2:10)
Pull Ups (2:33)
Shoulder Shrugs (2:32)
Ballet Hook Oblique Crunches (1:09)
Ballet Hook Oblique Twists (3:02)
Ball Rocks - Invert Prep (2:24)
Straddle on the Floor - Invert Prep (3:47)
Lunge - Invert - Invert Prep (5:37)
Knee Tucks (2:35)
Knee Tucks - Claw Grip (2:17)
Pull Up Knee Tucks - Invert Prep (1:20)
Straddle Leg Lifts - Invert Prep (2:40)
Straddle Leg Lifts (1:21)
Straddle Lift Heel Claps (1:13)
Pike Leg Lifts (1:25)
Aerial Inverts - Tucks or Straddles (1:02)
Negatives (0:54)
Pole Squats (1:05)
Seated Lowers (1:38)
Wheelbarrow Press-Ups (2:07)
Inverted D Lifts (1:45)
Cup Grip Hang (2:24)
Split Grip Push Out (3:23)
Resistance Band Deadlifts (4:05)
Climbing Repeats (1:31)
Straddle Slide Pull Ups (2:03)
Pull Up Climb (2:51)
Dragon Flags (3:05)
Apprentice Repeats (2:20)
Apprentice - Butterfly Repeats (3:31)
Climb Over Repeats (2:50)
Cartwheel - Aerial Invert (4:36)
Shoulder Mount Strength Exercises (2:33)
Handstand Press-Ups (3:26)
Pencil Push Out Hold (4:28)
Strength Exercises - Non Pole
30 Day Press-Up Challenge
Ankle Stability Exercises (1:37)
Asymmetrical Press-Ups (1:32)
Hip Lifts (1:03)
Kneeling Press-Ups (1:05)
Kneeling Press-Ups Wide (1:04)
Mountain Climbers (1:06)
Mountain Climbers - Knee to Elbow (0:51)
Oblique Crunches (0:44)
Oblique Touches (1:07)
Pike Crunches (0:59)
Pike Leg Lowers (1:20)
Plank (1:41)
Press-Ups (1:09)
Press-Ups Wide (0:38)
Press-Up Wide Walk Outs (1:15)
Reverse Plank (0:42)
Serratus Anterior Pushes (1:09)
Side Plank (1:39)
Tricep Dips (1:04)
Wall Press-Ups (0:55)
HIIT Workouts
Week 1 (2:26)
Week 2 (2:00)
Week 3 (2:33)
Week 4 (2:31)
Week 5 (2:40)
Week 6 (3:02)
Week 7 (3:27)
Week 8 (3:07)
Week 9 (2:19)
Week 10 (2:35)
Week 11 (2:52)
Week 12 (3:17)
Basic Climb - Crucifix (4:50)
Forwards Crucifix Climb (4:37)
Bow (4:36)
Thigh Hold (4:33)
Chinese Pole Hold (2:38)
Forearm Climb (3:06)
Spinning Pole Climb (2:21)
Side Climb (2:58)
Spinning Side Climb (3:25)
Chinese Pole Climb (1:31)
Pole Seats
Pole Seat - Basic (4:28)
Pole Seat - Basic Variations (2:15)
Lift to a Seat (3:32)
Layout (5:13)
Scissor Seat (3:07)
Scissor Seat Variation (3:23)
Plank - Two Handed (4:06)
Plank - One Handed (5:42)
Scissor Plank (4:14)
Liberty (3:45)
Peter Pan (4:07)
Ball (3:27)
Crossed Ball Seat (3:50)
Pike (3:31)
Hip Hold - Straight Legs (3:38)
Hip Hold - Bent Leg Variation (3:25)
Side Seat / Sitting Bird (3:51)
Bottle Rocket (3:26)
Cross Knee Release (3:38)
Double Cross Knee Release (3:36)
Cross Ankle Release (2:27)
Martini Seat - from standing (3:58)
Martini Seat - Jump Entry (3:10)
Martini Seat - Straight Leg Variation (3:49)
Russian Layback Seat (4:37)
Wrist Seat (3:33)
Wrist Seat - Jump Entry (3:47)
Violator (2:14)
12 Stage Invert Plan
Safety Dismount (2:51)
How To Invert (3:29)
Basic Invert (3:58)
Forwards Crucifix - Inverted (3:17)
Crucifix - Inverted (4:12)
V Invert or Straddle Invert (2:46)
Spinning Chopper (2:39)
Inside Leg Hang (from a Straddle) (2:14)
Ball (4:05)
Pike (2:56)
Straddle (from Pike) (3:38)
Thigh Hold - Inverted (4:03)
Thigh Hold - Bent Leg Variation (2:07)
Invert - Thigh Hold (from a Straddle) (4:52)
Mantis (4:20)
Wheelbarrow Dismount (2:13)
Push Dismount (2:59)
Handstand Kick Down (1:52)
Butterfly Handstand (5:32)
Butterfly - Body Close (3:34)
Butterfly (3:22)
Caterpillar (3:53)
Flatline Scorpio (3:27)
Inside Leg Hang (from Flatline Scorpio) (2:37)
Scorpio Handstand (3:46)
Allegra - Open (2:33)
Allegra (4:06)
Outside Leg Hang from the Floor (2:35)
Outside Leg Hang (3:48)
Flatline (1:56)
Marley - Ankles Crossed (3:05)
Marley - Holding Ankles (3:24)
Forwards Crucifix - Climb Over (2:56)
Climb Over (1:18)
Superman (from an Invert) (1:45)
Jade Hip Hold (2:45)
Jade (3:24)
Genie (3:27)
Genie - Forearm Push (2:16)
Genie - No Handed (1:41)
Brass Monkey (from a Genie) (4:36)
Tulip (2:10)
Extended Butterfly (2:52)
Inverted D (2:23)
Flower (3:18)
Ayesha (3:19)
Transition to a Cup Grip (1:48)
Transition to an Elbow Grip (2:40)
Inverted Kick Down (1:26)
Pole Handstand (4:10)
Handstand Deadlift (2:31)
Handstand Into Pole (2:49)
Shoulder Dismount (6:05)
Shoulder Mount (5:36)
Brass Monkey (from a Shoulder Mount) (3:24)
Aerial Invert (3:15)
Handspring Prep - Lift Backwards (2:41)
Handspring - Lift Backwards (3:45)
Handspring Prep - Step Forwards (5:43)
Handspring - Step Forwards (4:49)
Handspring - Twisted Grip (3:08)
Handspring - Twisted Grip - Jump Entry (3:36)
Iron X (3:22)
Pole Holds
Split Heel Pose (from the floor) (3:16)
Levitation (3:36)
Crescent Moon Handstand (4:15)
Viva (2:01)
Star (1:58)
Star (on the floor) (3:50)
Superman (3:50)
Compass (5:29)
Aeroplane (3:56)
Toothbrush (3:17)
Apprentice (2:38)
Apprentice Split (3:00)
Trapped Flag Sit (5:06)
Open Ball Seat (2:55)
Hero (2:54)
Frodo / Forearm Cradle (3:13)
Hip Hitch (4:08)
Stargazer (2:38)
Skater Hold (3:55)
Skater Hold - Elbow Grip (4:22)
Reiko Split (2:03)
Flying K (2:39)
Figurehead (2:28)
Umbrella (2:28)
Umbrella Split (2:44)
Mercury (3:24)
Twisted Cupid (3:58)
Swan (2:25)
Sailor (from a Side Climb) (3:08)
Cupid (from a Side Climb) (2:35)
Miracle (2:33)
Genie (from standing) (3:42)
Air Walk (4:01)
Crescent Moon (4:32)
Bad Kitty Hold (3:04)
Shi Shi Spin (3:45)
Pole Hug (2:23)
Remi Sit (4:33)
Ballerina (4:55)
Lois Lane (2:33)
Thinker (2:06)
Twisted Sister (3:47)
Embrace (3:42)
Embrace - One Handed (2:54)
Yogini (3:30)
Teddy (3:24)
Pike - Armpit Hold (3:40)
Twisted Yogini (3:24)
Flag - Straddle Variation (1:45)
Flag - One Leg Bent (1:40)
Flag (2:15)
Machine Gun (3:54)
Flag Split (3:22)
Flag - Vertical Split (4:18)
Swimmer (3:06)
Arrow Roll (5:10)
Garbage Grinder (4:20)
Wenson Handstand Variation (4:11)
Wenson Handstand Straddle (3:59)
Ball Drop (5:26)
Ball Jump (5:13)
Pole Planche (4:01)
Human Flag With A Resistance Band (4:45)
Pole Inverts - Other
Russian Layback Handstand (3:18)
Handstand - Bow and Arrow (2:41)
Bow and Arrow (from Cross Knee Release) (4:47)
Pencil Iguana (from Cross Knee Release) (4:38)
Iguana Dismount (3:38)
Iguana Mount (4:39)
Dangerous Brian (5:06)
Iguana Crab (2:53)
Reverse Ayesha Pencil (4:45)
Reverse Ayesha Straddle (3:39)
Reverse Handstand - Crucifix (5:44)
Resurrection (5:12)
Invert - Handstand (3:53)
Leg Block Handstand (2:47)
Handstand - Bent Legs (3:02)
Handstand Climb Over (2:30)
Handstand Walkover (2:19)
Handstand Crunch Up (2:55)
Handstand - Straddle Dismount (3:24)
Handstand - Brass Monkey Shape (2:59)
Cup Grip Butterfly Handstand (3:41)
Batman from a Handstand (2:18)
Invert - Ayesha Handstand (3:31)
Flair - Batman (6:25)
Thigh Hold - Kick Entry (3:39)
Scissor Hold (3:35)
Sailor (from an Invert) (2:41)
Cupid (from an Invert) (2:35)
A Frame (4:31)
Broken Bird (2:29)
Inside Leg Hang Variation - Double Legs (2:49)
Inside Leg Hang Variation - Dragon's Tail Grip (4:24)
Inside Leg Hang Variation - Half Split (4:48)
Twisted Flatline Scorpio (4:15)
Twisted Scorpio Cocoon (2:32)
Bridged Scorpio (3:27)
Choker Hold - Inside Leg Hang Variation (4:59)
Duchess (3:35)
Duchess Variation (3:25)
Tabletop (3:13)
Tabletop Split (5:02)
Tabletop Variation - Half Straddle (4:34)
Recliner Invert (3:05)
Knot (2:38)
Organ Keeper (3:48)
Diamond (2:31)
Martini (2:44)
Superman Stag (3:37)
Triangle Seat (3:43)
Russian Layback Seat (from an Invert) (3:19)
Russian Layback (5:26)
Peacock (4:50)
Static Rotations (3:17)
Cooper Split (2:23)
Pterodactyl (3:06)
Blade (1:40)
Falling Star (3:30)
Twisted Gemini (2:14)
Cradled Genie (3:16)
Genie Split (3:49)
Inverted Unicorn (4:34)
Sneaky Straddle (2:20)
Shi Shi Invert (2:46)
Butterfly Pull Up (2:40)
Titanic (4:31)
Illusionist (4:25)
Inverted Spiderman (2:51)
Zombie (3:29)
Genie Flip Invert (2:46)
Meathook (4:26)
Twisted Jasmine (3:09)
Scutoid (3:30)
Gargoyle (3:01)
Outside Leg Split (3:10)
Twisted Viva (2:06)
Twisted Knot (4:02)
Muse (3:20)
Closed Hang Glider (3:12)
Hang Glider (3:01)
Hang Glider Flip (1:48)
Genie - Hang Glider Flip (4:51)
The Felicity (4:16)
Helix (2:11)
Broken Dragon (2:18)
Wonder (3:29)
Bunny Split Variation (3:52)
Bunny Split (3:32)
Marchetti Split (5:39)
Climb - Superman (5:37)
Superman Flip (2:57)
Unicorn (3:33)
Side Superman (2:30)
Seahorse (6:08)
Lois Lane (from an Invert) (3:30)
Nebula (3:00)
Shy Bendy (3:42)
Extended Genie (2:26)
Crossed Knee Hold (5:48)
Genie - Trapped Planche (4:27)
Tulip Variation (3:16)
Devil Point Shuffle (4:45)
Sneaky V Handstand (2:32)
Sneaky V (4:01)
Ayesha - Crab Legs (2:48)
Ayesha - Stag Legs (2:54)
Caterpillar Repeats (2:18)
Extended Butterfly Straddle (2:38)
Butterfly Knee Hold (3:15)
Floating Butterfly (2:48)
Twisted Butterfly (4:08)
Trapped Butterfly (5:07)
Russian Butterfly (5:05)
Dragon's Tail (5:16)
Jackknife (2:34)
Pencil (2:35)
Pencil - Forearm Grip (3:07)
Transition to a Forearm Grip (3:19)
Flair - Twisted Grip Ayesha (4:08)
Shoulder Mount Pencil (1:39)
Shoulder Mount Straddle (3:24)
Shoulder Mount Seat (2:50)
Goddess (3:26)
Shoulder Mount Straddle - Hooked Shape (2:42)
Shoulder Mount Butterfly (2:45)
Shoulder Mount Knee Hold (3:03)
Shoulder Mount Leg Hook - Apprentice (3:25)
Shoulder Mount Climb Over - Same Side Leg Hook (3:07)
Inverted Moonbeam (2:45)
Brass Monkey Walkover (4:15)
Eros (2:15)
Brass Monkey Hug (3:10)
Brass Monkey - Claw Grip Variation (4:16)
Brass Bridge (4:36)
Brass Bridge Flip (2:53)
Love Hug (3:10)
Pegasus (4:26)
Hang Glider - Pegasus (5:05)
Shoulder Mount Plank - One Leg Bent (3:20)
Shoulder Mount Plank - Resistance Band Training (2:01)
Sky Dancer (2:52)
Shoulder Mount Floor Roll (2:37)
Shoulder Mount Walkover (4:14)
Shoulder Mount Flip (2:51)
Shoulder Mount Flip - Seat (3:37)
Shoulder Mount Bounce Down (2:48)
Shoulder Mount Pop (5:14)
Shoulder Mount Trapped Split - No Pop (4:25)
Shoulder Mount Trapped Split - Pop (4:43)
Trapped Split Flip (5:50)
Twisted Grip / Princess Grip Shoulder Mount (3:52)
Twisted Grip Shoulder Mount - Fake Spatchcock (4:11)
Aerial Shoulder Mount (2:27)
Butterfly Flip (4:55)
Max Split (4:17)
Prayer Hold (3:05)
Claw Grip Walkover (3:56)
Handspring Walkover (3:42)
Combos and Routines
Outside Step - Pirouette - Fireman Spin (5:13)
Outside Step - Inside Hook - Elbow Pirouette (1:42)
Outside Step - Back Hook - Log Roll - Floor Star (3:14)
Outside Step - Pirouette - Chair - Front Hook - Chair Pose (2:44)
Outside Step - Cup Grip Pirouette - Carousel - Climb (2:55)
Carousel - Back Hook - Kick Over - Pole Squat (3:23)
Outside Step - Inside Step - Cartwheel - Cartwheel (3:39)
Cartwheel - Seat (2:59)
Inside Step - Cup Grip Pirouette - Inside Leg Hook - Leg Switch (2:59)
Inside Step - Outside Step - Closed Cross Leg Fireman - Extended Fireman (2:06)
Boomerang - Climb - Bow - Spin Down (1:53)
Extended Front Hook - Sunwheel - Pole Hug (2:19)
Crossed Chair Combo (5:40)
Outside Step - Inside Step - Outside Step - Pirouette - Tick Tock - Pirouette - Straddle Lift (4:34)
Outside Step - Pirouette - Inside Hook - Lift - Back Hook - Lunge (3:32)
Outside Step - Wrist Seat (4:15)
Inside Step - Outside Step - Lean - Back Attitude - Floor Cartwheel (5:28)
Split Leap - Pirouette - Leg Hook - Squat (5:09)
Boomerang - Climb (2:42)
Sunwheel Spin - Climb (3:27)
Mermaid - Reverse Grab - Forearm Stand - Shoulder Roll - Cradle Spin Up (5:36)
Back Attitude Leap - Chair Variation - Pirouette - Extended Front Hook - Kick - Pirouette (6:39)
Spin - Outside Step - Lunge - Reverse Grab - Russian Stand Up - Cartwheel - Layout (5:29)
Lift - Log Roll - Cartwheel - Knee Spin - Back Hook - Invert (5:06)
Chair - Outside Step - Cartwheel - Layout (4:36)
Apprentice - Cradle - Straddle Variation (2:43)
Wrist Seat Spin - Ball (3:26)
Side Seat - Ball (5:08)
Outside Step - Back Attitude - Front Attitude - Extended Front Hook - Ball (7:23)
Reverse Grab - Climb (2:03)
Reverse Grab - Invert (1:41)
Reverse Grab - Chair - Invert - Outside Leg Hang - Handstand - Flip Down (5:54)
Cradle Spin - Straddle Invert (1:43)
Outside Step - Back Hook - Invert (4:51)
Inside Step - Corkscrew - Outside Step - Pirouette - Cup Grip Pirouette - Cradle - Invert (4:31)
Inside Step - Cradle - Outside Step - Cup Grip Pirouette - Ballet Hook - Genie Spin (7:06)
Juliette Spin - Cartwheel - Outside Step - Front Attitude Spin - Chair Spin - Superman Spin (7:09)
Side Climb Twizzle Combo (3:04)
Post Spin - Side Superman Combo (5:33)
Ball Drop Combo (4:24)
Back Hook Twizzle Combo (5:22)
Carousel - Shoulder Mount (3:37)
Skater Hold - Ball (3:45)
Bottle Rocket - Star - Superman - Chair Hold (6:27)
Stargazer - Cross Knee Release (3:48)
Cross Knee Release - Bow and Arrow Handstand - Handstand Dismount (3:37)
Cross Knee Release - Diamond Handstand - Straddle Handstand (4:39)
Cross Knee Release - Handstand with Bent Legs (3:53)
Cartwheel - Bow and Arrow Combo (5:35)
Cross Ankle Release - Iguana Crab / Fang (5:06)
Plank - Cross Ankle Release (3:13)
Layout - Plank - Cross Ankle Release - Iguana Pencil - Crunch Up (3:32)
Cross Ankle Release - Brass Monkey (5:31)
Double Cross Knee Release - Iguana - Climb Over - Ball (6:30)
Cartwheel - Meathook (2:53)
Umbrella - Knot - Iguana Bow and Arrow - Forearm Bow and Arrow (4:43)
Pike - Cross Knee Release (3:05)
Reverse Grab - Reiko Split (2:48)
Reiko Split - Split Heel Pose (2:14)
Reiko Split - Butterfly (3:51)
Reiko Split - Ayesha via Leg Hook (5:35)
Superman - Split (5:28)
Superman - Ass On A Platter - Shoulder Roll Pike (3:23)
Superman Flip - Shoulder Mount Floor Planche / Ass on a Platter (4:34)
Superman - Inside Leg Hang (5:04)
Flatline - Marley Variation (2:31)
Cast Off - Flatline (4:40)
Cast Off - Flip (5:24)
Extended Fireman Spin - Sweep - Reverse Grab - Cradle - Inside Leg Hang - Scorpio Forearm Stand - Thigh Hold - Wheelbarrow Dismount (9:44)
Split Heel Pose - Inside Leg Hang - Floor Jade (7:16)
Cartwheel - Butterfly (2:41)
Chair Spin - Outside Step - Inside Step - Cartwheel Invert - Butterfly - Flatline Scorpio (6:42)
Inside Step - Outside Step - Back Hook - Butterfly - Shoulder Mount - Jasmine - Star (on the floor) (9:20)
Pirouette - Leap - Straddle - Seat - Outside Leg Hang - Handstand Stag - Climb Over (7:53)
Cartwheel - Butterfly - Shoulder Mount Straddle - Climb Over - Figurehead - Seat (6:31)
Apprentice - Wrist Seat - Jazz Seat (5:02)
Apprentice - Goddess (4:43)
Apprentice - Flatline Scorpio (5:17)
Apprentice - Flatline Scorpio - Arrow Roll - Viva (4:16)
Apprentice - Inside Leg Hang (5:11)
Apprentice - Butterfly (3:29)
Leap - Cup Grip Pirouette - Corkscrew - Apprentice - Butterfly (6:34)
Butterfly - Flatline Scorpio (2:44)
Cupid - Butterfly (3:00)
Straddle Hold - Butterfly (3:51)
Straddle Hold - Ayesha (2:49)
Straddle - Forearm Ayesha (3:44)
Ayesha - Flatline Scorpio (3:24)
Sailor - Marley (2:47)
Side Climb - Outside Leg Hang (3:50)
Outside Step - Shi Shi Invert (2:21)
Leg Switches (4:07)
Spinning Climb - Aerial Invert - Plus Sign Shape - Thigh Hold - Straddle - Butterfly - Handstand Ayesha (9:14)
Spinning Climb - Outside Leg Hang - Inside Leg Hang - Half Split Variation - Bind Hold - Spin (8:17)
Outside Leg Hang - Butterfly - Apprentice (4:03)
Outside Leg Hang - Flatline Scorpio (3:36)
Outside Leg Hang - Thigh Hold - Flatline Scorpio (3:18)
Outside Leg Hang - Mantis - Flatline Scorpio - Pose - Straddle - Lunge (6:29)
Outside Leg Hang - Inside Leg Hang via Thigh Hold (3:35)
Outside Leg Hang - Ball - Inside Leg Hang (4:44)
Outside Leg Hang - Figurehead - Apprentice - Butterfly (4:07)
Outside Leg Hang - Scissor Hold - Star - Apprentice Climb Over - Ball (7:47)
Invert - Sitting Bird - Apprentice - Superman (8:15)
Hang Glider - Side Bow and Arrow (2:35)
Hang Glider - TG Butterfly (3:48)
Genie Tumble (3:09)
Side Climb Flip (4:43)
Flatline Scorpio - Ball via Mini Drop (6:09)
Martini Drop (4:38)
Martini - Diva Split (3:54)
Martini - Superman - Climb Over (5:00)
Apprentice Pop - Martini (5:41)
Apprentice - Superman (2:38)
Crucifix - Thigh Hold - Mantis - Shoulder Dismount (4:19)
Spinning Climb - Aerial Invert - Outside Leg Hang - Thigh Hold - Hero - Figurehead - Ball (5:14)
Flatline Scorpio - Inside Leg Hang - Thigh Hold (3:25)
Flatline Scorpio - Allegra - Superman (2:34)
Split Heel Pose - Inside Leg Hang - Outside Leg Split - Climb Over - Back Hook Hold (5:35)
Scorpio Flip (3:55)
Scorpio Flip via Ayesha (3:38)
Boomerang Pull Up - Back Hook - Lunge - Lunge - Russian Stand Up - Split Heel Pose - Extended Butterfly (8:49)
Extended Butterfly - Flatline Scorpio - Superman (2:39)
Extended Butterfly - Flatline Scorpio - Broken Bird - Legend - TG Ayesha (5:41)
Sailor - Extended Butterfly - Sneaky V - Genie (5:59)
Outside Step - Invert - Genie - Genie Pose - Swivel - Violator (8:10)
Pterodactyl - Flatline Scorpio - Apprentice (4:15)
Aerial Invert - Pterodactyl - Figurehead (3:34)
Chair Spin - Climb - Pterodactyl - Flatline Scorpio - Lunge (8:41)
Aerial Invert - Butterfly - Superman (3:57)
Side Climb - Extended Butterfly - Goddess - Snap Dragon - Trapped Straddle - Thigh Hold - Extended Butterfly (10:42)
Outside Step - Back Hook - Climb Over - Genie - Ball (5:03)
Forearm Pencil - Flag Straddle Variation (2:25)
Ballerina Combo (5:51)
Handstand Butterfly - Twist - Forearm Bow and Arrow (7:51)
Handstand Climb Over - Genie - Sneaky V Handstand - Split (4:26)
Stag Handstand - Brass Monkey Hook - Reverse Poisson Forearm Stand - Fake Split (6:24)
Climb Over Combo (6:53)
Flip Entry - Star - Superman - Star - Climb Over - Outside Leg Split - Straddle - Cradle - Ball (9:45)
Split Heel Pose - Butterfly - Star - Twisted Viva - Aerial Invert - Cupid Variation - Straddle - Cradle Hold (8:27)
Apprentice - Butterfly - Sneaky V - Genie (5:12)
Apprentice - Butterfly - Russian Butterfly - Mantis - Flatline Scorpio (8:03)
Wrist Seat - Sneaky V (4:30)
Flag Split - Brass Monkey (3:43)
Extended Butterfly - Reverse Poisson (3:25)
Extended Butterfly - Reverse Poisson - Brass Monkey Hook Shape (3:53)
Wineglass - Extended Butterfly (4:11)
Spinning Chopper - Climb Over - Aerial Invert - Figurehead - Apprentice - Flatline Scorpio Lower (6:22)
Cupid - Pike - Marchetti Split - Flatline - Thigh Hold - Handstand Dismount (8:19)
Inside Leg Hang - Twisted Grip Ayesha (3:52)
Hip Hold - Inside Leg Hang - Ayesha (5:22)
Outside Step - Pixie Spin - Invert - Climb Over - Figurehead - Pencil - Hip Hold - Brass Monkey (11:41)
Superman - Flatline Scorpio - Straddle - Goddess - Forearm Stand Sneaky V - Genie (8:32)
Apprentice - Flatline Scorpio - Inside Leg Hang - Handstand - Handstand Stag Variation - Climb Over (7:40)
Apprentice - Ayesha (Lowering) (3:04)
Apprentice - Ayesha (Lifting) (4:39)
Cartwheel Invert - Extended Butterfly - Inverted D Variation - Inverted Crossed Seat Variation - Genie - Thigh Hold - Shoulder Dismount (7:56)
Flatline Scorpio - Tabletop Split - Iguana Pencil - Crunch Up (8:38)
Flatline Scorpio - Brass Monkey (4:58)
Flatline Scorpio - Ayesha (2:25)
Flatline Scorpio - Ayesha Handstand (5:46)
Inside Leg Hang - Twisted Grip Ayesha - Pencil (5:22)
Eros - Inside Leg Hook - Ayesha - Figurehead (6:04)
Sneaky V Flip Entry - Genie - Diamond - Mantis - Flatline Scorpio - Chiropractor Variation (8:05)
Sneaky V - Ayesha (2:53)
Sneaky V - Ayesha - Sailor Variation - Floating Butterfly - Shoulder Mount Straddle - Apprentice (9:43)
Extended Butterfly - Walkover (2:26)
Scissor Hop - Sweep Around - Carousel - Shoulder Mount - Diamond - Apprentice Split - Climb Over (8:47)
Gargoyle - Trapped Shoulder Mount Straddle - Straddle - Split (6:19)
Shoulder Mount - Thigh Hold (3:54)
Shoulder Mount - Brass Monkey - Goddess - Shy Bendy - Wrist Seat (6:04)
Shoulder Mount - Brass Monkey - Goddess - Genie Straight Leg Variation - Outside Leg Split - Back Hook Hold (6:44)
Extended Front Hook - Back Attitude - Outside Step - Pirouette - Leap - Inside Leg Hang - Twisted Grip Ayesha - Poisson (8:48)
Twisted Grip Shoulder Mount Spilt - Climb Over - Aerial Invert - Sitting Bird - Ball Variation (8:32)
Twisted Grip Shoulder Mount - Bow and Arrow Pose - Pegasus - Flatline Scorpio - Straddle - Superman (8:28)
Shoulder Mount - Elbow Straddle Hold - Ayesha Handstand - Flatline Scorpio (9:59)
Shoulder Mount - Trapped Split Flip - Layout - Crossed Knee Hold - Handstand Lower (6:46)
Leg Lift - Log Roll - Cartwheel - Seat - TG Handspring - Poisson (8:54)
Handspring - Claw Grip Straddle - Claw Grip Jackknife - Genie Straddle Variation - Russian Layback Seat Variation (7:33)
Someone You Loved - Flow (12:14)
Low Flow Pole Routine - Intermediate (15:36)
Spin Pole
Using a Spin Pole
Adapting Static Spins to a Spin Pole
Adapting Static Moves, Holds and Inverts to a Spin Pole
Closed Cross Leg Fireman - Fireman - Extended Fireman - Mermaid Spin (5:02)
Front Hook - Back Hook (3:26)
Knee Tucks in a Chair (1:33)
Front Hook - Pirouette - Open Cross Leg Fireman - Pirouette - Back Hook (4:58)
Cartwheel - Front Hook - Back Hook - Straddle Hold - Jazz Seat - Ball (7:12)
Tinkerbell - Ankle Hold Shapes - Open Cross Leg Fireman - Boomerang - Pirouette (5:11)
Side Seat / Sitting Bird (2:08)
Backwards Attitude - Forwards Attitude - Side Seat - Carousel (5:01)
Carousel Variation - Chair - Front Hook - Side Seat (2:51)
Apprentice - Martini - Layout Variation - Violator on the Floor (8:34)
Chair Spin - Elbow Grip (2:53)
Pencil Spin (2:12)
Spinning Climb (3:42)
Spinning Pull Up Climb (4:16)
Air Walk (4:51)
Ankle Hold (3:15)
Vortex (3:53)
Sonic Spin (3:19)
Reverse Grab (2:19)
Pixie Spin (3:12)
Corkscrew (5:33)
Ankle Hold - Pixie Spin (3:02)
Jazz Seat / Wrist Seat Variation (3:57)
Forwards Roll - Shy Bendy Variation - Wrist Seat - Toothbrush (7:37)
Extended Front Hook - Side Seat - Trapped Boomerang - Peter Pan - Chair Variation (6:04)
Scissor Hold (3:11)
Fake Split Pose Combo (5:27)
Shi Shi Spin (5:13)
Backwards Star - Forwards Star - Ball (4:22)
Flair (2:11)
Twisted Sister Combo (4:27)
How To Invert - Backwards (4:02)
How To Invert - Forwards (2:55)
Outside Step - Tabletop (3:23)
Climbing Twist - Invert (3:10)
Straight Leg Spin - Marley - Climb Over (3:57)
Legend (3:00)
Flying Bird (4:25)
Leg Switches via a Thigh Hold (4:02)
Juliette Spin - Climb - Thigh Hold - Flatline Scorpio (6:48)
Cartwheel - Seat - Mantis - Shoulder Dismount (7:00)
Star (5:06)
Ballerina Variation - Sickle Foot (5:31)
Side Seat - Icarus - Pixie Spin (7:57)
Straight Leg Spin - Helix - Apprentice - Cradle (6:46)
Sneaky Straddle - Remi Sit (5:31)
Genie - Martini Variation - Genie - Seat (7:02)
Side Seat - Invert - Claw Grip Straddle - Seat - Ball (6:10)
Butterfly - Elbow Hold Shapes - Inside Leg Hang Variation - Legend - Straddle (7:59)
Apprentice - Extended Butterfly - Flatline Scorpio (6:13)
Suicide Spin (4:16)
Lux (4:59)
Chair - Back Hook - Invert - Blade - Genie (7:26)
How to Protect Your Shoes (3:19)
How to Walk in Heels (0:54)
Ankle Warm Up In Heels (2:57)
Bodywaves (2:35)
Bunny Hop - Stand (2:59)
Candlestick Leg Waves (2:50)
Cat Crawls (2:11)
Chest and Hip Circles (2:36)
Cradle Kip (2:29)
Figure 8s (1:38)
Floor Crawls / Body Slides (2:09)
Floor Straddles (2:07)
Floor Walks - Leg Waves (2:17)
Heel Slides (2:43)
Heels Clack (2:48)
Hair Flick (1:24)
Knee Spin (2:54)
Kneel - Kip (3:40)
Knocked Knees (2:02)
Leg Circles (2:20)
Leg Circles in a Straddle (3:00)
Leg Waves in a Straddle (2:20)
Outside Step (1:37)
Russian Stand Up (2:38)
Scorpion Lift (2:42)
Seated Leg Waves (3:51)
Sliding Stand Up (1:47)
Shoulder Flop (3:28)
Speed Bumps (2:56)
Standing Up (3:02)
Straddle Lift (1:59)
Straddle Roll (4:00)
Tabletop Roll Over (2:48)
Tick Tock (2:24)
Trucker Girl Lift (1:52)
Walking Around The Pole - Clock Walks (2:17)
Zombie Roll Up (3:53)
Heels Combos and Routines
Bodywave - Leg Lift - Lunge - Russian Stand Up - Extended Front Hook (6:06)
Bodywave - Pirouette - Pole Squat - Front Hook - Body Slides (7:47)
Cartwheel - Seat - Split - Leg Waves - Shoulder Roll (6:25)
Cast Off - Squat (4:29)
Confident Routine - Part 1 (10:19)
Confident Routine - Part 2 (8:58)
Spin - Seat - Leg Waves - Goddess - Shoulder Roll - Shoulder Mount Shape (10:23)
Crucifix Handstand Drop (3:38)
Figure 8s and Floor Walks Combo (10:14)
Fireman Spin - Floor Straddle (3:46)
Floor Jade - Goddess - Ball (4:13)
Juliette Spin - Back Hook - Kip (4:10)
Kings & Queens Routine (6:26)
Knee Spin - Spin Up (2:41)
Outside Step - Back Attitude - Floor Cartwheel - Leg Lift (3:55)
Outside Step - Fancy Chair - Stand (2:57)
Outside Step - Leg Hook - Carousel - Floor Straddle - Cat Crawl (8:01)
Outside Step - Pirouette - Arch - Pike Hold - Shoulder Roll (7:52)
Outside Step - Pirouette - Bodywave Squat - Outside Step - Leg Swipes (6:04)
Outside Step - Pirouette - Leg Hook - Knee Spin (4:23)
Pirouette - Outside Step - Bodywave - Mini Drop (6:39)
Scorpio Handstand Drop (3:06)
Side Bodywave - Leg Hook - Chair - Floor Straddle - Hook - Shoulder Roll (9:31)
Side Seat - Pirouette Combo (4:11)
Sit - Knee Spin (2:13)
Spinning Chopper - Outside Leg Hang - Handstand Drop (4:05)
Squat - Baby Drop (2:16)
Thigh Hold with Leg Waves (5:12)
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