Course Curriculum
Heels Combos and Routines
Available in
after you enroll
StartAir Walk - Pirouette - Inside Leg Hook Spin - Leg Waves in a Straddle - Seated Position - Lunge (9:14)
StartAir Walk - Pirouette - Squat - Log Roll - Squat - Seated Pose (5:38)
StartBodywave - Leg Lift - Lunge - Russian Stand Up - Extended Front Hook (6:06)
StartBodywave - Pirouette - Pole Squat - Front Hook - Body Slides (7:47)
StartCartwheel - Seat - Split - Leg Waves - Shoulder Roll (6:25)
StartCast Off - Squat (4:29)
StartConfident Routine - Part 1 (10:19)
StartConfident Routine - Part 2 (8:58)
StartCrucifix Handstand Drop (3:38)
StartFigure 8s and Floor Walks Combo (10:14)
StartFireman Spin - Floor Straddle (3:46)
StartFloor Jade - Goddess - Ball (4:13)
StartGoddess (on the floor) - Fake Split Planche - Shoulder Roll (5:18)
StartInside Step - Turn - Squat - Squat (4:31)
StartJuliette Spin - Back Hook - Kip (4:10)
StartKings & Queens Routine (6:26)
StartKnee Spin - Spin Up (2:41)
StartMermaid Spin - Half Split - Shoulder Stand Leg Waves - Lunge (6:25)
StartOutside Step - Back Attitude - Floor Cartwheel - Leg Lift (3:55)
StartOutside Step - Fancy Chair - Stand (2:57)
StartOutside Step - Leg Hook - Carousel - Floor Straddle - Cat Crawl (8:01)
StartOutside Step - Pirouette - Arch - Pike Hold - Shoulder Roll (7:52)
StartOutside Step - Pirouette - Bodywave Squat - Outside Step - Leg Swipes (6:04)
StartOutside Step - Pirouette - Leg Hook - Knee Spin (4:23)
StartPirouette - Outside Step - Bodywave - Mini Drop (6:39)
StartReverse Grab Attitude Spin - Knee Spin - Assisted Fish Flop (6:17)
StartScorpio Handstand Drop (3:06)
StartSide Bodywave - Leg Hook - Chair - Floor Straddle - Hook - Shoulder Roll (9:31)
StartSide Seat - Pirouette Combo (4:11)
StartSit - Knee Spin (2:13)
StartSpin - Seat - Leg Waves - Goddess - Shoulder Roll - Shoulder Mount Shape (10:23)
StartSpinning Chopper - Outside Leg Hang - Handstand Drop (4:05)
StartStanding Straddle - Iron X Variation - Lunge (7:13)
StartSquat - Baby Drop (2:16)
StartSquat - Hip Circles - Outside Step - Bodywaves - Step Around to Leg Hook - Pirouette - Squat - Squat (8:01)
StartThigh Hold with Leg Waves (5:12)
StartWrist Seat - Thread - Split / Lunge (5:42)
Your Instructor
I've been pole dancing since 2009 and teaching pole dance since 2012. I started PoleFreaks with the aim of bringing the pole dance community together to share training tips and celebrate our achievements on the pole.
In addition to being a pole dance instructor, I’m also a fully qualified personal trainer and hold a masters degree in classical theatre.
I'm so excited to share my love of pole with you!
Holly x