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Combos and Routines - Advanced
Combos and Routines
Aerial Invert - Butterfly - Superman (3:57)
Aerial Invert - Butterfly - Superman - Star - Floor Jade - Shoulder Roll (10:08)
Aerial Invert - Hang Glider - Pegasus - Twisted Grip Ayesha - Twisted Grip Inverted D (6:47)
Aerial Invert - Pterodactyl - Figurehead (3:34)
Apprentice - Ayesha (Lifting) (4:39)
Apprentice - Ayesha (Lowering) (3:04)
Apprentice - Ayesha - Tulip - Butterfly - Ayesha Handstand - Split (7:32)
Apprentice - Butterfly - Russian Butterfly - Mantis - Flatline Scorpio (8:03)
Ayesha - Flatline Scorpio (3:24)
Ballerina Combo (5:51)
Boomerang Pull Up - Back Hook - Lunge - Lunge - Russian Stand Up - Split Heel Pose - Extended Butterfly (8:49)
Carousel - Shoulder Mount (3:37)
Carousel - Shoulder Mount - Climb Over - Umbrella Seat - Seat (6:25)
Cartwheel - Meathook (2:53)
Cartwheel Invert - Extended Butterfly - Inverted D Variation - Inverted Crossed Seat Variation - Genie - Thigh Hold - Shoulder Dismount (7:56)
Chair Spin - Climb - Pterodactyl - Flatline Scorpio - Lunge (8:41)
Cross Ankle Release - Brass Monkey (5:31)
Cross Knee Release - TG Ayesha (5:21)
Cupid - Pike - Marchetti Split - Flatline - Thigh Hold - Handstand Dismount (8:19)
Cupid Variation - Ayesha - Poisson - Apprentice (6:19)
Double Cross Knee Release - Iguana - Climb Over - Ball (6:30)
Eros - Inside Leg Hook - Ayesha - Figurehead (6:04)
Extended Butterfly - Flatline Scorpio - Broken Bird - Legend - TG Ayesha (5:41)
Extended Butterfly - Flatline Scorpio - Mantis - Flatline Scorpio (6:12)
Extended Butterfly - Flatline Scorpio - Superman (2:39)
Extended Butterfly - Reverse Poisson (3:25)
Extended Butterfly - Reverse Poisson - Brass Monkey Hook Shape (3:53)
Extended Butterfly - Walkover (2:26)
Extended Front Hook - Back Attitude - Outside Step - Pirouette - Leap - Inside Leg Hang - Twisted Grip Ayesha - Poisson (8:48)
Flag Split - Brass Monkey (3:43)
Flair - Batman - Twisted Grip Ayesha - Genie - Handstand Straddle (6:23)
Flatline Scorpio - Ayesha (2:25)
Flatline Scorpio - Ayesha Handstand (5:46)
Flatline Scorpio - Brass Monkey (4:58)
Flatline Scorpio - Tabletop Split - Iguana Pencil - Crunch Up (8:38)
Forearm Pencil - Flag Straddle Variation (2:25)
Gargoyle - Trapped Shoulder Mount Straddle - Straddle - Split (6:19)
Genie - Goddess - Flip (4:18)
Genie - Sneaky V - Ayesha - Apprentice (4:45)
Handspring - Ayesha - Poisson - Flatline Scorpio - Mini Flip (4:35)
Handspring - Claw Grip Straddle - Claw Grip Jackknife - Genie Straddle Variation - Russian Layback Seat Variation (7:33)
Handstand Pop - Twisted Grip Ayesha (4:40)
Hang Glider - Twisted Grip Ayesha (2:45)
Hip Hold - Inside Leg Hang - Ayesha (5:22)
Inside Leg Hang - Twisted Grip Ayesha (3:52)
Inside Leg Hang - Twisted Grip Ayesha - Pencil (5:22)
Inside Step - Outside Step - Back Hook - Butterfly - Shoulder Mount - Jasmine - Star (on the floor) (9:20)
Layout - Plank - Cross Ankle Release - Iguana Pencil - Crunch Up (3:32)
Leg Lift - Log Roll - Cartwheel - Seat - TG Handspring - Poisson (8:54)
Marley - Shoulder Mount Butterfly - Shoulder Mount Walkover (6:20)
Outside Step - Invert - Genie - Genie Pose - Swivel - Violator (8:10)
Outside Step - Pixie Spin - Invert - Climb Over - Figurehead - Pencil - Hip Hold - Brass Monkey (11:41)
Pterodactyl - Flatline Scorpio - Apprentice (4:15)
Pterodactyl Variation - Straddle (4:31)
Reiko Split - Ayesha via Leg Hook (5:35)
Reiko Split - Ayesha - Jackknife Variation (5:26)
Reverse Invert - Twisted Grip Butterfly - Shoulder Mount Straddle - Climb Over (6:35)
Sailor - Extended Butterfly - Sneaky V - Genie (5:59)
Scissor Hop - Sweep Around - Carousel - Shoulder Mount - Diamond - Apprentice Split - Climb Over (8:47)
Scorpio Flip (3:55)
Scorpio Flip via Ayesha (3:38)
Scutoid - Ayesha (4:44)
Shoulder Mount - Brass Monkey - Goddess - Genie Straight Leg Variation - Outside Leg Split - Back Hook Hold (6:44)
Shoulder Mount - Brass Monkey - Goddess - Shy Bendy - Wrist Seat (6:04)
Shoulder Mount - Elbow Straddle Hold - Ayesha Handstand - Flatline Scorpio (9:59)
Shoulder Mount Flip - Seat - Invert (5:03)
Shoulder Mount - Thigh Hold (3:54)
Shoulder Mount - Thigh Hold - Apprentice - Butterfly - Apprentice (5:35)
Shoulder Mount - Trapped Split Flip - Layout - Crossed Knee Hold - Handstand Lower (6:46)
Side Climb - Extended Butterfly - Goddess - Snap Dragon - Trapped Straddle - Thigh Hold - Extended Butterfly (10:42)
Side Climb Flip (4:43)
Sneaky V Flip Entry - Genie - Diamond - Mantis - Flatline Scorpio - Chiropractor Variation (8:05)
Sneaky V - Ayesha (2:53)
Sneaky V - Ayesha - Sailor Variation - Floating Butterfly - Shoulder Mount Straddle - Apprentice (9:43)
Spinning Chopper - Climb Over - Aerial Invert - Figurehead - Apprentice - Flatline Scorpio Lower (6:22)
Spinning Climb - Aerial Invert - Outside Leg Hang - Thigh Hold - Hero - Figurehead - Ball (5:14)
Spinning Climb - Aerial Invert - Plus Sign Shape - Thigh Hold - Straddle - Butterfly - Handstand Ayesha (9:14)
Spinning Climb - Outside Leg Hang - Inside Leg Hang - Half Split Variation - Bind Hold - Spin (8:17)
Split Heel Pose - Butterfly - Star - Twisted Viva - Aerial Invert - Cupid Low - Straddle - Cradle Hold (8:27)
Straddle (claw Grip) - Jackknife (claw grip) - Eros - Brass Monkey Split (10:08)
Straddle - Forearm Ayesha (3:44)
Straddle Hold - Ayesha (2:49)
Superman - Flatline Scorpio - Straddle - Goddess - Forearm Stand Sneaky V - Genie (8:32)
Titanic - Trapped Split (5:13)
Twisted Grip Shoulder Mount - Bow and Arrow Pose - Pegasus - Flatline Scorpio - Straddle - Superman (8:28)
Twisted Grip Shoulder Mount Spilt - Climb Over - Aerial Invert - Sitting Bird - Ball Variation (8:32)
Umbrella - Knot - Iguana Bow and Arrow - Forearm Bow and Arrow (4:43)
Wineglass - Extended Butterfly (4:11)
Wrist Seat - Sneaky V (4:30)
Cupid - Pike - Marchetti Split - Flatline - Thigh Hold - Handstand Dismount
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